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Indirect Myofascial Release


Indirect Myofascial release is a whole body treatment, a hands-on technique incorporated into a massage therapy.  It can free the body from restrictions which will allow it to function more efficiently.  Restrictions can compress muscles, nerves, and the components of all other systems in the body.


Myofascial release can often help the body to correct itself from injuries from trauma, accidents or falls, and may help with chronic diagnoses such as diabetes or high blood pressure, helping to release the emotions as well as the physical restrictions.


The whole body is connected with tissue called fascia.  The Fascial system is a three dimensional web that holds the skin to the body, connecting and surrounding every system and cell in the body, separating the organs and keeping them in place.  


Fascia run the whole length of the body - while working on the neck, sensatins coul be felt in the toes, for instance. Releasing a tight fascia in the scull, for example, could help restrictins elsewher in the body's system.  Fascia are like the white parts of an orange, the pith on the inside of the peel and in between every segment.


Fascia restrictions cannot be seen by X-ray, but a therapist can feel the restrictions with their hands.  The therapist will find the barrier of restriction of the fascia, and lengthen by gently holding or stretching the restriction, towards the direction of ease, without force, for a minimum 3-5 minutes.  


The length of time the hold is crucial, and where Myofascial Release differs from other manual therapy.  Other therapies only release the elastic and muscular components of the myofascia, like stretching a rubber band which bounces back into shape.  However, in Myofascial Release, by holding the barrier of restriction for a minimum of 3-5 minutes, and engaging the deep collagen layer, causing a permanent lengthening of tissue, just as you would if you stretched a rubber band over a book for any length of time.  Imagine it is peeling off, or penetrating different layers of an onion.


Myofascial release can help to break down scar tissue and adhesions by restoring the elasticity to the tissue, helping to prevent reinjury to areas where build up of scar tissue continues to increase.


Myofascial release helps to target the core problem in the body as opposed to masking the symptom which only gives temporary relief.

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