"I'm so impressed with this course content, learning some fascinating stuff that I can apply to my own business. This course is so indepth and you can see how much dedication and passion Elaine has put into this body of work. Throughly enjoying it and would recommend to ANYONE who works with dogs".
"Thanks for the wonderful course. It was very thorough and indepth and I learned a lot!"
Understanding Stress in Dogs For Canine Therapists
14 CPD Hours - Continuing Professional Development
CPD Online Course
This CPD course is also appropriate for Canine Businesses or particularly interested owners
Price = US$75 - approx £60
(the platform I use is a US one which is why it is in US$ - price may therefore vary with exchange rates)
Click the link to purchase sign up for a Thinkific Account, purchase course, gain instant access.
There is no official time limit to complete the course - however if longer than 2 years after purchase, I cannot guarantee that the platform will still be active
This course is a series of colourful and informational Keynotes slides, with my voice over, interspersed with videos and interviews. PDFs of all slides are also downloadable.
In between each section there are easy little quizes, and one final Quiz to take for those who want to receive their CPD Certificate. Because of the details graphics and slides, this course is best viewed on a laptop. See image below for the course content.

"Thank you so much for putting together such a wonderful informative course. I have thoroughly enjoyed it."
"Thank you so much for creating this course, absolutely fascinating and I've taken a lot from it"